
Dear user, please read the following terms carefully before using this website.


This website is provided by VAKAPRO CO., LTD. and its legally authorized subsidiaries/branches (hereinafter referred to as "VAKA PRO AUDIO"). The  website is only used to provide information dissemination. BY USING THIS SITE OR DOWNLOADING MATERIALS FROM THIS SITE, YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SITE OR DOWNLOAD MATERIALS FROM THIS SITE.


1. Warranty Disclaimer


VAKA PRO AUDIO makes no promises about the suitability of the information contained on this website for any purpose of use. This website and all the information contained in it are for reference only, and the company does not make any express or implied guarantee. The company hereby expressly disclaims any implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In no event shall any special, direct, indirect, incidental, incidental or consequential damages (including, without limitation, loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of programs or information), whether or not Sounddegree Electronics has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance, and regardless of whether such liability is based on contract, tort, strict liability, or other Based on the basis of liability, VAKA PRO AUDIO shall not be liable for any compensation to any individual or unit. Because certain laws do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to you.



2. Content Disclaimer


For any errors or omissions contained in the content of this website, VAKA PRO AUDIO assumes no responsibility and reserves the right to make changes to the website, materials and products, items, services or prices (if any) described in the website at any time , without notice. Users therefore acknowledge and accept that information published on this site may contain inaccurate technical information or typographical errors.



3. Authorization Disclaimer


Nothing contained in this website should be construed as an authorization to use the information provided by this website or any rights under the intellectual property rights of VAKA PRO AUDIO or any third party by estoppel, implication or otherwise.



4. Precautions for documents provided by this website


We hereby grant the user the right to use the documentation contained on this site, such as product manuals, solutions, technical guides, and corporate press releases, provided that the following conditions are met: (1) All copies must include the following copyright notice: Claim All rights reserved, all rights reserved and contain the copyright statement and this permission statement, (2) The documents in this website can only be used to provide information and non-commercial or personal purposes, and may not be copied or published to any network computer or in the media (3) No modifications shall be made to the document. Use of this document for any purpose other than the foregoing is expressly prohibited by law and will result in severe civil or criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the extent permitted by law. The documents referred to above do not include the design or layout on the sites owned, operated, authorized or controlled by VAKA PRO AUDIO. The elements of VAKA PRO AUDIO website are protected by trademark appearance and other laws, and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. Unless expressly permitted by VAKA PRO AUDIO, any logo, graphic, sound or image on the Sounddu Electronics website may not be reproduced or forwarded.



5. Links to third-party sites


Hypertext links on this website may take you away from the VAKA PRO AUDIO website. These links are provided for the purpose of serving users, and are not sponsored by or associated with these websites, and these websites are not controlled by VAKA PRO AUDIO. Users should bear the risks caused by accessing these links. VAKA PRO AUDIO and the author of this website refuse to make promises or guarantees for the content of these links. Sounddu Electronics is not responsible for the content or security of links, linked websites and links contained in linked websites. VAKA PRO AUDIO provides these links only for the convenience of users. The inclusion of any of the above links on this website does not mean that VAKA PRO AUDIO endorses this website.



6. Unsolicited Information


Any personal verification information provided to VAKA PRO AUDIO through this website will be protected by the relevant privacy clauses of this website. Sound Electronics hopes that you will not, and you should not, send any confidential or proprietary information to Sound Electronics through this website. You must agree that you or your representatives will not provide any confidential or proprietary information and materials to Sounddu Electronics. Once you provide such information or materials to VAKA PRO AUDIO, it means that you have granted VAKA PRO AUDIO an unlimited, irrevocable, worldwide, patent-free license, and VAKA PRO AUDIO You have the right to use, copy, display, publicly demonstrate, transmit or distribute the information and materials without paying any form of remuneration; you also further agree that VAKA PRO AUDIO can use you or your representative to provide VAKA PRO AUDIO for free. any ideas, concepts or know-how of the Company. Please also promise that you will not provide any defamatory, threatening, obscene, offensive or other illegal information or materials to Sounddu Electronics, or combined with other people's proprietary materials.



7. Claims arising from the use of this website


As a condition of using this site, the end user agrees to hold harmless Sound Electronics Corporation and its content providers from any and all liability and damages, including attorneys' fees and damages, arising out of claims arising out of the use of this site, such claims Including but not limited to, once established, it will constitute your violation of the conditions and terms of this notice.



8. Copyright statement


Copyright © VAKA PRO CO., LTD all rights reserved.


9. Trademark


The trademarks and designs of VAKA PRO AUDIO. and other marks mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of VAKA PRO AUDIO CO., LTD. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. VAKA PRO AUDIO prohibits the use of any VAKA PRO AUDIO trademark as a "popular" link to any VAKA PRO AUDIO website, unless the establishment of this link obtains the prior consent of VAKA PRO AUDIO.



10. Reservation of rights


Unless expressly authorized in this article, VAKA PRO AUDIO reserves all other rights. VAKA PRO AUDIO reserves the right to change this "agreement" at any time by changing the terms in this article. It is the user's responsibility to review these terms periodically. Continued use of this site following such changes will be deemed acceptance by the user of such changes. VAKA PRO AUDIO may also restrict the use of certain functions and services, or restrict the access to some or the entire website, and the company will not notify or assume any responsibility for this.



11. This Agreement


These terms constitute an agreement between VAKA PRO AUDIO and users on the use of this website and are a complete agreement between the two parties. This agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, understandings and communications between the parties regarding the use of this website.



This website is controlled, operated and managed by VAKA PRO AUDIO . from its office in the People's Republic of China ("China"). VAKA PRO AUDIO does not make any commitment to the appropriateness and applicability of the materials on this website in other countries/regions outside China, and whether this website can be used in countries/regions where the content of this website is considered illegal. Visit also makes no promises. If you visit this website in other countries/regions outside of China, you need to abide by local laws.



The user acknowledges that the "agreement" or the use of this website will not constitute a joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship between the user and VAKA PRO AUDIO. The user agrees not to claim that he is a representative, agent or employee of VAKA PRO AUDIO, so VAKA PRO AUDIO shall not be liable for any representations, acts or omissions of the user.



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